
Click Publications listcan see my full publication list:

  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Chi-Chia Huang, and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. Context life cycle management in smart space environments. In ICPS09 Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Challenges for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing (AUPC2009), London, UK, July 2009.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. Agent-based Ubiquitous Computing, volume 1 of Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence, chapter Agent-Based Context-Aware Service in a Smart Space, pages 131 – 146. Atlantis Press, June 2009.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Jane Yung-jen Hsu, Han-Wen Chang, and Umi Laili Yuhana. Agent-based context consistency management in smart space environments. In AAMAS-09 Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing and Agent-Based Engineering (SOCASE’2009), WS05, Budapest, Hungary, May 2009.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Umi Laili Yuhana, Li-lu Chen, Jane Yung-jen Hsu, and Wan-rong Jih. An ontology based approach for searching neighborhood building. In Proceedings of The Third International Seminar Information and Communication Technology Seminar (ICTS07), pages 106 – 112, Surabaya, Indonesia, September 2007.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Jane Yung-jen Hsu, Tsu-Chang Lee, and Li-lu Chen. A multi-agent contextaware service platform in a smart space. Journal of Computers, 18(1):45–60, April 2007.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Li-lu Chen, and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. Context-aware service platform in a smart space. In AAMAS-07 Workshop on Agent-Based Ubiquitous Computing (ABUC2007), WS2, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 2007. [acceptance:25%, Best Paper Award].
  • [PDF] [BibTeX]Jane Yung-jen Hsu, Kwei-Jay Lin, Tsung-Hsiang Chang, Chien-ju Ho, Han-Shen Huang, and Wan-rong Jih. Parameter learning of personalized trust models in broker-based distributed trust management. Information Systems Frontiers: Special Issue on Web and Distributed Information Systems, 8(4):321–333, September 2006. Springer .
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Jane Yung-jen Hsu Hsu, and Tse-Ming Tsai. Context-aware service integration for elderly care in a smart environment. In AAAI 2006 Workshop: Modeling and Retrieval of Context Retrieval of Context, pages 44– 48, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 2006.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Jane Yung-jen Hsu, Chao-Lin Wu, Chun-Feng Liao, and Shao-you Cheng. A multi-agent service framework for context-aware elder care. In AAMAS-06 Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing and Agent-Based Engineering (SOCABE’2006), WS18, pages 61– 75, Future University, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan, May 2006.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Shao-you Cheng, Wan-rong Jih, and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. Context-aware policy matching in event-driven architecture. In AAAI 2005 Workshop: Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications, pages 140 – 141, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, July 2005.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Shao-youg Cheng, and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. Context-aware access control on pervasive healthcare. In EEE’05 Workshop: Mobility, Agents, and Mobile Services (MAM), pages 21– 28, Hong Kong, March 2005.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. A family competition genetic algorithm for the pickup and delivery problems with time window. Bulletin of the College of Engineering, 90:121–130, 2004.This original PDF contains Chinese abstract, here is an English-only version PDF.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Cheng-yen Kao, and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. Using family competition genetic algorithm in pickup and delivery problem with time window constraints. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pages 496–501, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 2002.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. Dynamic vehicle routing using hybrid genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation, pages 453–458, 1999.
  • [PDF] [BibTeX] Wan-rong Jih, Ying-Ping Chen, and Jane Yung-jen Hsu. A comparative study of genetic algorithms for vehicle routing with time constraints. In Proceedings of the 1996 International Computer Symposium, pages 17–24, 1996.

JADE Tutorial

JADE provides online documents, which can be downloaded from the web site.   There are web sites have not include in JADE documentation:

Jade Primer and Tutorial by Jean Vaucher and Ambroise Ncho, 2004.

Administrator’s tutorial

Running JADE with one (MAIN) container.
Using more than one container
Running multiple JADE platforms.
Using the HTTP Message Transport Protocol.

Lecture notes

  • Jade Tutorial, Agent Research Group in Department of Computer Science, University of Bath

Running JADE under Eclipse

JADE can be run under eclipse ‘Run’ as ‘Java Application’.  Before you setup the execution environment for JADE,  you should add JADE’s .jar files to your project:

  1. go to Project -> Properties
  2. move to Java Build Path
  3. in the “Libraries” tab, press “Add External  JARs” button eClipse project properties
  4. Select all the JADE’s jar files in “Orders and Export” tab

After you setup the classpath for JADE.  You can create a “Run Configuration” for running JADE:

  1. go to Run -> Run Configurations
  2. move to Java Application
  3. in the “main” tab
  4. specify your project name, and
  5. main class is jade.Boot, and
  6. check the Include libraries when searching for a main class

Run JADE main

In the Tab “argument”, program arguments is the arguments that would be used in command line, for example :

-gui jade.Boot [agent_nickname1:java_package1.agent_class1 agent_nickname2:java_package2.agent_class2 …]

Where the agent_nickname is the nickname for your agent, java_package is the package of your agent, and agent_class is the java class name of your agent.
JADE eclipse Arguments

javax.comm & GPS

The GPS data can be transferred to a computer serial port, i.e. COM port. Many GPS support bluetooth can transmit data from GPS to PC COM port without physical connection. There are GPS monitors (or NMEA monitors) can verify the connection between GPS and the laptop.

In order to receive the GPS data, we should add external Java package and files. There are the following:

  1. comm.jar: Java Communications 3.0 API, also known as javax.comm (javadoc, API user guide)
  2. property file of comm.jar
  3. win32com.dll: Microsoft Windows dynamic link library for data communication

The Sun Java Communications web site does not contain the .properties and .dll files, you can download the files from this site (.zip). Assume that the JDK has been installed in <JDK_HOME>.

  • Move win32com.dll to <JDK_HOME>\jre\bin
  • Move to <JDK_HOME>\jre\lib

You can also refer to reference:

Lecture Notes in AI Planning

Lecture Notes

AI Planner Collections by Robert St. Amant in North Carolina State University, this site has been moved to AIwiki site.

Making a runnable .jar with dependent libraries

As we know that Java could let the users combine several classes into a .jar file. We can create a runnable .jar file for larger projects, so that can demonstrate the projects more easily. The following shows the step to create such runnable .jar:

  1. Create a manifest file, e.g., contains
    • Class-Path: <lib1.jar> <lib2.jar> <path/lib3.jar> …..; use space as the delimiter
    • Main-Class: <classname>
    • place a new line at the end of this file
  2. use jar.exe to create a runnable .jar, type
    • jar cvfm <your_jar_file.jar> <manifest_file> <class_files> <libraries>

After we create the .jar file, we can use

java -jar <your_jar_file.jar>

to execute the program.

SWRL+Jess in Protege

Protege-OWL 3.3.1 provides SWRLJessTab plug-in that supports the execution of SWRL rules using the Jess rule engine. When the SWRLTab is activated, the SWRL Editor will display a list of icons on the top right of the SWRL rules table. The Jess tab is activated by pressing the “J” icon.

The Jess rule engine is not open source, we have to download jess.jar from Jess website separately. This JAR must be copied to the Protege-OWL plugins subdirectory in the Protege installation directory (i.e., the ./plugins/edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl/ subdirectory of the Protege installation directory). Protege-OWL will automatically load this JAR file on startup if it is present in its plugins directory. Please note that the SWRLJessTab should run under Jess 7.0 release version or later.

Run TAC Classic AgentWare in Eclipse

The original document of TAC AgentWare provides the command line instruction for compiling and running the TAC AgentWare. Here will show you how to run the TAC Classic Agent by using Eclispe.

Create a Java project

  1. Create a new Java project in the workspace.
  2. Import the resources of TAC Classic Java AgentWare from the location file system into your TAC project.
    • Move cursor to the package folder src and click the right mouse button, select import
    • Choose General -> File system to import files
    • Check the com and se folders, that is, imports all the files in these two directory
  3. Copy agent.conf and AWManifest.txt to your project’s home directory, which contains a file named .project.

Run TAC classic agent

  1. You can run this project as a Java Application. A dialog box will be shown, pick TACAgent as the main class to run.

Launch Pellet server and communicate with Protégé-OWL

Pellet is an open source, OWL DL reasoner in Java, originally developed at the University of Maryland’s Mindswap Lab. Pellet is now commercially supported by Clark & Parsia LLC. The installation instruction shows as follows:

  • Go to the Download section on the Pellet Web site.
  • Download and unzip the Pellet ZIP file to a location of your choice. To follow is a screenshot of what the Pellet installation should look like on a Windows system after unzipping the file:
  • Pellet File Folder
  • Copy the folder Pellet-1.x (e.g. Pellet-1.5.0) to the working directory (e.g. /MyApp/)
  • Create a desktop shortcut icon for pellet-dig.bat.
  • Pellet desktop icon
  • click the Pellet-DIG.bat Desktop icon, to launch Pellet’s DIG server. (Run the pellet-dig.bat batch file on Windows systems or the file on Unix-like systems). To follow is a screenshot of the DIG server running on a Windows system:.
  • pellet-dig-sever.jpg
  • Launch Protégé and open the “pizza.owl.pprj” file located in /examples/pizza/.

  • Open the OWL Preferences dialog by choosing OWL -> Preferences… from the menu bar.
  • In the Reasoning section of the General tab, enter http://localhost:8081 as the Reasoner URL. To follow is a screenshot of the OWL Preferences dialog with the proper value entered into the Reasoner URL text area:
  • protegepreference.jpg
  • Click Close to dismiss the OWL Preferences dialog.
  • Choose OWL -> Check consistency… from the menu bar.
  • If Pellet has been properly installed and the Protégé-OWL editor properly configured, you will see a dialog with a title that includes the text “Connected to Pellet…”, and Protégé-OWL will have performed a consistency check of the pizza ontology:
  • connected-to-pellet.jpg

Implanted RFID Tags

IEEE Spectrum, March 2007.

Hands On: How radio-frequency identification and I got personal, by Amal Graafstra

RFID inside: The murky ethics of implanted chips , by Kenneth R. Foster and Jan Jaeger

這期的IEEE Sptrum再度提到了RFID, 把一個很小的RFID tag, 植入在手上的虎口處, 利用植入的RFID當成鑰匙, 便可以不帶大串小串的鑰匙, 隨意進出有RFID lock的地方. 為什麼不用指紋或是眼睛的虹膜辨識呢? 作者Amal Graafstra是認為價格及辨識的可信度都不可親, 而現在有些公司已經使用RFID card來做門禁, 所以, 不如就試試把RFID tag植入到身上; 等於把RFID card隨時帶在身上.

Amal Graafstra是使用EM4102 reader及一個超小的玻璃裝RFID tag來植入在身上, 這個tag並非是專門生產做為植入人體用的, 但是作者對這個玻璃tag做一些”撞擊測試”, ex:用鎚子敲… 再加上他對目前有生產植入式RFID tag公司的作法有一些意見, 所以就選擇EM4102做測試.

作者提到沒有使用VeriChip公司生產的植入式RFID tag, 原因是因為VeriChip會對每位植入tag的人, 其個人資料都要被建檔, 這種感覺好像是為寵物植入晶片的建檔, 感覺沒什麼隱私. 另外, VeriChip的tag, 其外膜在被植入人體後, 是能被肌肉包覆以便固定在身上的某個地方. Amal Graafstra不喜歡這樣, 因為他希望植入在身上的tag是可以不想要時就拿掉, VeriChip的植入式tag, 如果植入一陣子要拿掉時, 就會比較麻煩, 而且拿掉時也蠻痛的. 再來就是成本的考量, VeriChip的reader一個要600美金, 比EM4102的30到50美金貴太多了. 最後一個沒使用VeriChip的原因是因為根據美國的FDA規定, VeriChip的tag必需植入在人的上臂, 這有點不直覺, 因為我們通常是用手掌去做開關門的動作, 用擺動手臂的二頭肌去做開關門的事, 聽起來就怪怪的.

當然, VeriChip對於他們的作法, 也有一些說明. RFID inside的這篇就是講植入式RFID tag的技術. 一個超小的tag,包含了ID chip及天線. 主要設計的目的是在醫療的應用上, 方便讓醫護人員, 在緊急時, 可以很快地得知病人的資料, 而不用到處找人問而延誤診治. 當然這中間也有一些隱私權的問題…

植入式RFID tag在未來也是一個可能的應用, 雖然有上列的種種issues, 但是這是一種能讓使用者不需要額外攜帶其他的”導體”, 就能偵測到user的一種方法, 對於RFID的應用應該是有幫助的.